Managing lists

The array is a powerful data type that comes with a number of built-in methods. Methods are commands you can give to arrays to change their contents.

Two popular methods are explored in this article: push, which adds an item to an array, and splice, which allows you to remove items from the array.


When prototyping, for example, a productivity app, it is essential to allow users to add items to their agenda or to a task list:

Since the task list is stored in an array, your goal is to allow the addition of items to this array. It takes three pieces of code to achieve this:

  1. An array to render the list.
  2. A variable to store users’ input.
  3. An event listener to add user input to the array on click.

Creating a list should be the easy part for you by now. You create an array with a couple of items stored by default and render a list from a template-container with a v-for attribute:

<div v-for="task in tasks">
data: {
  tasks: ['Pick up delivery', 'Buy granola', 'Call grandma']

Storing user input isn’t new for you either. You create a text input form control that is connected to an empty variable with a v-model attribute:

<div v-for="task in tasks">
<input v-model="newTask" placeholder="Enter new task...">
data: {
  tasks: ['Pick up delivery', 'Buy granola', 'Call grandma'],
  newTask: ''

Finally, you need to add an event listener with instructions to add the value of newTask to the tasks array. Here’s where the method push comes into play:


<div v-for="task in tasks">
<input v-model="newTask" placeholder="Add a task...">
<button @click="tasks.push(newTask)">

This instruction means “take the tasks array and add the value of newTask to it as a new item”.

Let's take a closer look at the syntax:

  • The method’s name is separated from the array’s name with a dot: tasks.push
  • The method’s name is followed by parentheses. If a method takes a value, it is placed within the parentheses: tasks.push(newTask)

As a result, every time a user clicks the Add button the value of the input is added to the array:

If you test the prototype above, you should notice that it doesn’t work properly. When you click the Add button, an item is added to the list as expected, but the input field is not cleared. This happens because adding a variable's value to an array doesn’t move the value, but copies it instead. This can be fixed by adding another instruction so that an empty value is assigned to the variable connected to the input on click:


<button @click="tasks.push(newTask); newTask = ''">

Now clicking the button adds the value of newTask to the array first, then clears it by assigning an empty string.


Deleting an item from an array can be done with splice method. Let’s review a simple example first:


<div v-for="letter in alphabet">
<button @click="alphabet.splice(2, 1)">
  Delete 3rd item
data: {
  alphabet: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H']

Unlike push, the splice method takes two parameters, not one:

  • The first parameter specifies at which index you want to start removing items.
  • The second parameter indicates how many items you want to remove from the array.

The splice method above means “remove one item at index 2 from the alphabet array.” This means that C is taken out when this command is applied (the animation is here to visualize the result):

Next time you press the Delete button, the D is deleted because it has index 2 now. The next click will remove E, and so on. This will continue until there are only two items in the array and there’s nothing to delete at index 2.

Going back to the to-do list prototype, a more realistic task would be to have multiple delete buttons, each removing the container it’s placed in:

To achieve this, you need three pieces:

  • Track indexes in the v-for attribute with a temporary name.
  • Add a Delete button to the template-container.
  • Add an event listener to the button that calls splice with the index of an item.

Similar to the way you used an index’s temporary name to track which item was selected in the previous article, you can now use this name to tell splice the index of the item you want to delete:



<div v-for="(task, i) in tasks">
  <button @click="tasks.splice(i, 1)">
<input v-model="newTask" placeholder="Add a task...">
<button @click="tasks.push(newTask); newTask = ''">

Since each item generated from the template knows its index by the name i, when users click the X button on an item with, for example, index 2, 2 is passed to splice and the item at index 2 is deleted from the array. As a result, the item at index 2 is deleted from the layout.



Create a chat view that allows users to send messages:

  1. Create a layout with 2 main containers: a conversation history and message input.
  2. Create an array to store messages. Also create a variable that is connected to the input.
  3. Render a list of messages from a template-container with the v-for attribute.
  4. Add a @keypress.enter event listener to the input with the push method that adds the contents of the input to the array.
  5. Add an instruction to clear the input to the same @keypress.enter event listener.

From a list to a list

Design a prototype that allows users to move items between two lists. This task is a little abstract but it’s good for honing your basic list management skills:

  1. Create 2 arrays. Populate one of them with 3-5 items.
  2. Create a layout with 2 columns, both with template-containers (that are connected to different arrays).
  3. Make sure to track indexes in the templates.
  4. Add click listeners to both templates with 2 instructions. The first one adds the selected item to the opposing array with push. The second instruction removes the selected item from the original array with splice.

Note-taking app

Create an app that allows users to add, edit, and delete notes:

  1. Create an array for storing notes. Populate it with a couple of notes by default so that you don’t start with an empty prototype.
  2. Create a grid layout with a child template-container connected to the array with v-for. Make sure to track the index.
  3. Place <textarea> inside the template and connect it to the item in the array using its index.
  4. Create the New note (+) container and add a @click listener that adds an empty string to the array.
  5. Add an x button to the template-container. It must delete an item from the array at the selected index.