
Creating, testing, and improving the core flow was just the beginning. When the basics are covered, it’s time to make the experience rich, test additional flows, and add details.

Rich objects

Populate restaurants’ cards with information and images:

Add the variables price, photo, and isFav to objects in the restaurants array:

restaurants: [
    name: 'Bread and Breakfast',
    price: '$$',
    photo: '',
    isFav: false
    name: 'The Sober Clam',
    price: '$$$$',
    photo: '',
    isFav: true
    name: 'Salaterio',
    price: '$$',
    photo: '',
    isFav: true

Use them in the Catalog in the template-container to display information, render images, and style the Heart/Favorites button:

<div v-for="(rest, i) in restaurants">
  <div @click="selectedRestaurant = i; currentScreen = 'details'">
    <img :src="">
  <div @click="selectedRestaurant = i; currentScreen = 'details'">
  <button class="ion-md-heart" :class="{'text-pink-600': rest.isFav}"></button>

Use the object's variables on the Details page with an index stored in selectedRestaurant:

<img :src="restaurants[selectedRestaurant].photo">
<button @click="doShowReservSidebar = true">
  Make a reservation
<button class="ion-md-heart"
        :class="{'text-pink-600': restaurants[selectedRestaurant].isFav}">


Allow users to add restaurants from Catalog and Details to favorites. Show the list on the Favorites tab:

Turn the Favorites buttons on the Catalog tab into switches that change the value of isFav boolean variable to the opposite one:


<div v-for="(rest, i) in restaurants">
  <!-- card contents -->
  <button class="ion-md-heart"
          :class="{'text-pink-600': rest.isFav}"
          @click="restaurants[i].isFav = !restaurants[i].isFav">

Do the same in the Details view using the index stored in selectedRestaurant:


<!-- retaurant details -->
<button class="ion-md-heart"
        :class="{'text-pink-600': restaurants[selectedRestaurant].isFav}"
        @click="restaurants[selectedRestaurant].isFav = !restaurants[selectedRestaurant].isFav">

In the Favorites container, reuse the template container from the Catalog view with conditional rendering:


<div v-for="(rest, i) in restaurants"
  <!-- card content -->

Confirmation strip

Show the confirmation message when users place a reservation:

Create a variable to store the state of the confirmation strip:

data: {
  doShowReservConfirmation: false

Create a container with conditional rendering on the same level as the header and content containers. Add a Dismiss button that hides the strip by changing the value of doShowReservConfirmation. Add Go to reservations button, which also changes the view to Reservations:




<div v-if="doShowReservConfirmation">
  <div class="flex-1 font-bold py-5">
    Table booked
  <button @click="currentScreen = 'reservs'; doShowReservConfirmation = false">
    Go to reservations
  <button @click="doShowReservConfirmation = false">

In the reserve function, add an instruction to change the value of doShowReservConfirmation to true to reveal the strip when the reservation is placed:

reserve () {
  this.doShowReservConfirmation = true

Back to catalog / favorites

Add a Back button to the Details page. The button should take users to the Catalog view if they came from the Catalog. It should take them to the Favorites if they came from the Favorites view:

Create a variable to store the view that the users came to the Details from:

data: {
  backFromDetailsTo: 'catalog'

On the Catalog tab, add an instruction to the template-container to save 'catalog' to backFromDetailsTo:



<div v-for="(rest, i) in restaurants">
  <div @click="selectedRestaurant = i;
               currentScreen = 'details';
               backFromDetailsTo = 'catalog'">
    <img :src="">
  <div @click="selectedRestaurant = i;
               currentScreen = 'details';
               backFromDetailsTo = 'catalog'">
  <button class="ion-md-heart" :class="{'text-pink-600': rest.isFav}"></button>

Similarly, add instructions to cards in the Favorites view to save 'favs' to backFromDetailsTo:



<div v-for="(rest, i) in restaurants" v-if="rest.isFav">
  <div @click="selectedRestaurant = i;
               currentScreen = 'details';
               backFromDetailsTo = 'favs'">
    <img :src="">
  <div @click="selectedRestaurant = i;
               currentScreen = 'details';
               backFromDetailsTo = 'favs'">
  <button class="ion-md-heart" :class="{'text-pink-600': rest.isFav}"></button>

Now add the Back button to the Details view with instructions to change currentScreen to the value stored in backFromDetailsTo:


<!-- Details -->
<button class="text-indigo-700 px-6 text-sm"
        @click="currentScreen = backFromDetailsTo">
  ← Back

Minor details

There are some minor details in the final version of the prototype in The task that are not covered in these articles. Here are some of them:

  • In Details, the Place reservation and Favorite buttons are hidden when the sidebar is open. Also, the restaurant details become half-transparent.
  • The tabs on the top navigation bar are highlighted when their views are selected.
  • Most buttons have hover states.
  • The Reservation sidebar has options for each control, with some additional effort put into the styling of the elements.
  • Most instructions are moved to functions.

We encourage you to complete the prototype yourself and apply your own styles. Alternatively, you can review the code of the original prototype and see how the features were implemented.