Other events

Click is probably the most popular interaction, but there are other events that allow for more advanced interactivity. Three events are explored in this article: focus, hover, and key press.

Focus and unfocus

While designing a form, you may want to know when the input field was focused on and when it lost focus. This information can be used to change styles, show suggestions, validate input, etc:

The event listeners @focus and @blur are responsible for catching these interactions:

<input @focus="didFocusInput = true" @blur="didFocusInput = false">
<div>Did focus: {{didFocusInput}}</div>


Another common interaction on desktop computers is hovering over elements with the mouse cursor. The @mouseover event listener tracks when a cursor enters an element’s area. Its counterpart, @mouseleave, reacts to a cursor leaving an element’s area:

<div @mouseover="didHoverCalendar = true" @mouseleave="didHoverCalendar = false">
<div @mouseover="didHoverChat = true" @mouseleave="didHoverChat = false">
<div @mouseover="didHoverPeople = true" @mouseleave="didHoverPeople = false">

Note the difference between the CSS :hover selector and the @mouseover event listener. CSS’s :hover applies specified styles when the cursor enters the area of an element and discards them when the cursor leaves. With the event listeners, you provide two separate instructions: one for the cursor’s entering the area, and one its leaving. This is particularly useful when, for example, your design doesn't require anything to happen when the mouse leaves. Task 1 in the Practice section below is a good example of this type of interaction.

Key press

You already know how to connect text input to a variable with v-model so that everything a user enters is stored in data. You don’t need an event listener to achieve that. However, sometimes you want to track particular key presses inside the input field to provide instructions explicitly for those events.

The @keypress event listener reacts to every key press inside an input field, but you rarely need to track this type of interaction. In addition, @keypress has modifiers that specify which particular key you want to respond to. For example, a commonly expected behavior when interacting with a search bar or a simple form is the ability to submit by hitting the Return/Enter key:

Adding the modifier .enter to the @keypress event listener allows you to react to this particular key’s being pressed:

<input v-model="emailInput"
       @keypress.enter="emailSubmitted = emailInput; emailInput = ''">
<button @click="emailSubmitted = emailInput; emailInput = ''">
  Submitted {{emailSubmitted}}

Modifiers are placed right after the name of the event listener. The list of modifiers includes .tab, .esc, and many others. You can learn more about them in the official Vue.js guide.


Product card

Allow users to switch between photos by hovering over the small circles below the preview:

  1. Fork your result of Product card task in the Click article. You can also fork the prototype from the article.
  2. Replace the @click event listeners with @mouseover event listeners on the colored circles.
  3. As a result, different images should be rendered according to the circle users hover over.

Search form

Allow users to submit a search query without providing a Search button at all:

  1. Create a simple layout with a search bar and a text label.
  2. Create 2 variables: one for storing the input and another for storing the submitted query.
  3. Add the @keypress.enter event listener to the text input.
  4. Display the user’s query below the search bar when Return/Enter key is pressed. Don’t forget to clear the search input.