Connecting to forms

As mentioned previously, variables are commonly used to save information that users enter. Vue.js provides a special attribute, v-model, that allows you to connect variables to basic form controls: text inputs, checkboxes, radio buttons, and dropdowns.


v-model establishes a two-way connection. This means that changes made to a control are immediately applied to a variable and vice versa: when the value of a variable changes, the corresponding value in the form control changes too.


If you want to save user text input, you need to place the v-model attribute inside the input or textarea tags and specify the name of the variable that should store the input:

<div id="app">
  <input v-model="title" placeholder="Enter title..."> 
  <textarea v-model="description" placeholder="Enter description..."></textarea>
data: {
  title: '',
  description: ''

Everything a user enters into these controls will be stored in the variables title and description. You can even render these values (as seen in the previous article) next to the form to see the effect:

Note that placeholder is a stylistic attribute, which means that its value is not connected to a variable.


The value of a checkbox control is binary—it’s either on or off—so it makes sense to connect the checkbox to a variable with a boolean value.

<input type="checkbox" v-model="didAgreeToPolicy" id="policy">
<label for="policy">I agree with Privacy Policy</label>
data: {
  didAgreeToPolicy: false

The result of doing this is that clicking on a checkbox input toggles the variable’s value between true and false:

To connect a dropdown to a variable you need to add v-model to the select tag:

<select v-model="plan">
data: {
  plan: 'Free'

The value inside the selected option container will then be stored inside the variable:

If you want variable values to be different from the text inside option containers, you need to specify value attributes too:

<select v-model="country">
  <option value="ca">Canada</option>
  <option value="mx">Mexico</option>
  <option value="us">United States</option>

Either ca, mx, or us (not Canada, Mexico and United States) will be stored in the variable country when an option is selected:

This feature is particularly useful when you want to have long descriptive labels in the UI and short, neat values in your data.

Radio buttons

To connect a group of radio buttons to a variable, you need to add v-model to the selected radio buttons and specify the same variable for all of them:

  <input type="radio" v-model="emailsDaily" value="One" id="one">
  <label for="one">Just one</label>
  <input type="radio" v-model="emailsDaily" value="Two" id="two">
  <label for="two">Twice a day</label>
  <input type="radio" v-model="emailsDaily" value="Three" id="three">
  <label for="three">All three</label>
data: {
  emailsDaily: 'One'

The value attribute is mandatory for radio buttons, which is one way in which radio buttons differ from dropdowns. The attribute holds the value that will be assigned to a variable when the radio button is clicked:

In Layout Basics, you learned that you have to assign the name attribute to combine radio buttons into a group. Connecting radio buttons to a single variable with v-model eliminates that need because the connected button’s state is defined by the value of the variable, not other controls with the same name.


Profile information

Display information a user inputs:

  1. Fork the starting prototype.
  2. Create 3 variables: name, email, photo—with or without default values.
  3. Connect the 3 input fields in the left column to the variables.
  4. In the right column, render the values of name and email as text. Use the value of photo to render an image.

Checkout form

Connect form controls to variables:

  1. Create a new prototype from the template.
  2. Create 5 variables, one for each control in the form.
  3. Create a two-column layout.
  4. In the left column, design a form with different input controls: text, dropdown, radio, and checkbox. Connect them to the variables.
  5. In the right column, render the values of the variables.